Implementing shuttles, on demand transportation and parking management programs is the crucial next step
As large organizations try to adapt to hybrid work changes and new constraints, they face considerable challenges, like keeping operational costs low and managing space effectively. Comprehensive transit solutions like shuttles, on demand service and parking management are game-changers in reducing costs, enhancing efficiency, and optimizing space at the workplace. Offering a transportation program is no longer just smart—it’s imperative.
One of the most significant transportation challenges for large organizations is parking, especially in urban areas where space is limited and more expensive. By offering a commute program, you can optimize the utilization of parking facilities, a necessity in the flexible work age.
Support employees with shuttles, on demand transit and parking reservation options to reduce parking demand and free up valuable real estate. Employees who drive to work benefit from a managed parking program—they can easily see which spaces are available in real-time, reserve only the day/time they need, then free up the space for other commuters on alternate days or shifts. This ensures parking is available when needed and reduces unused space, avoiding unnecessary parking expansion.
Hybrid and flexible work models make it difficult to manage the occupancy of buildings and parking infrastructure. When employees have flexible schedules or work remotely several days out of the week, demand for parking and office space can vary from day to day. Implementing a transportation program with flexible commuting options and data-driven parking facilities will help you support this fluctuating occupancy in the short and long terms.
By offering transit modes like Fixed Route, FlexRide, On Demand and Parking, all managed in a unified platform, you can reduce the cost of underutilized parking infrastructure for your organization and support a successful hybrid work model.
TripShot offers real-time monitoring and robust reporting for gaining valuable insights, identifying usage patterns and increasing operational efficiency. Our reports include filters that can help shape daily service and reveal areas of interest including: recent and historical ridership, the popularity of stops, occupancy and on-time performance. Utilize the data to form routes and services that match your customer demand at different times of the day, week and year. TripShot’s service data is cloud-based, fully owned by the customer and exportable at any time.
The benefits of implementing a commute program and smart parking solution extend far beyond moving people from point A to point B. You can optimize parking space, reduce costs and improve operations while driving efficiency and elevating the workplace experience for your employees. It’s a strategic asset for your organization. If you want to achieve key business goals, now is the time to move on efficient transit.