How TripShot flexes to meet the needs of each customer
TripShot was founded by engineers who set out to build a scalable solution to solve some of the most pressing problems in commuter transportation. Nearly a decade later, we have cemented our place as a crucial element of the campus experience at many of the top technology companies in the world.
TripShot could not have achieved this success without leadership and strategy rooted in technology. TripShot’s founders worked in tech long before transportation, and that experience has shaped everything we do.
Our agile, cloud-based service infrastructure supports full flexibility, in-platform management and real-time access to a customer’s mobility ecosystem. This allows TripShot to push updates to all of our customers at an unmatched cadence. Our approach also means that each of our customers is able to enjoy improvements and efficiencies derived from our experience in real-time.
TripShot customers can save costs on unnecessary proprietary hardware, avoid concerns about routine maintenance, and deliver an intuitive rider experience accessible to the campus community. This frees TripShot from having to support local versions of our platform around the world, allowing us to instead focus on delivering our cloud platform’s industry-leading uptime. Our business is fundamentally linked to our background as a technology-first company, and it is this background and expertise that accounts for our success.
Soon after building transportation solutions for corporate and higher education campuses, TripShot expanded into public transportation. This only reinforced our understanding of the complexity and diversity of different types of transportation systems. The service area can span from small neighborhoods to multiple counties, rider needs can be simple or extensive, and agency processes can slow innovation or accelerate it.
TripShot’s public transportation customers use our solution because it makes sense for their service structure. They enjoy maximum scalability and efficiency, sometimes managing Fixed Route, On Demand and other modes all within the TripShot Platform.
Over the last decade, TripShot has grown our customer base to meet the needs of transit systems in other industries when it makes sense for them. No matter the industry, we know that transit professionals and their riders deserve more. We’re excited to continue bringing a technology solution that grows with them and adapts to their unique service needs when we have the opportunity.