A Flexible Transit System Drives Mobility Freedom

Combining services to support more riders

Transportation is a critical component of today’s fast-paced world, enabling people to connect, explore and thrive. Corporate and university campuses and public transit agencies expand the freedom to move for their riders and their larger communities. TripShot powers shared mobility so riders can be free to expand their horizons and access more opportunities. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how TripShot can support the commingling of paratransit and on-demand trips. We’ll also review the benefits of transit systems that utilize fixed route and micromobility options, extending the freedom of choice to riders.

Enhanced Accessibility through Commingling Paratransit & On-Demand Trips

Transit systems can be essential for those who rely on traditional forms of paratransit - meeting these riders’ needs is imperative. TripShot can be used to commingle paratransit and On Demand trips, expanding access for anyone requiring paratransit services. Optimized scheduling and routing can maximize efficiency and reduce wait times, making transit a more realistic choice. Whether supporting paratransit riders or offering on-demand services, TripShot helps campus transit systems and transit agencies be more inclusive.

Unparalleled Mobility Freedom Through Fixed Route & Micromobility

Expanding mobility freedom requires a transportation system that offers a wide array of options. Transit systems that offer fixed route alongside on-demand, micromobility like scooters and bike sharing, and more modes better support riders’ freedom to move. These types of transit systems support choices for riders, whether a short ride on a bike or a longer journey on a fixed route vehicle. TripShot seamlessly combines these modes into an all-in-one fleet management solution. Our app provides all riders with enhanced trip planning, more reliable real-time information, and freedom of choice. Transit systems with fixed route and on-demand services empower riders to freely choose how to move and explore new horizons. 

More Transit, More Freedom

TripShot supports corporate, university campus, and public transit systems to run efficient, accessible and future-facing transportation. Transit providers that use TripShot can commingle paratransit and on demand trips, supporting more options and accessibility for riders. Combining services like fixed route with micromobility supports riders to have more mobility freedom. Together, let’s support the power of shared mobility to expand freedom for riders and to build communities where all people can connect, move and thrive.